A system not fit for purpose? Reforms in the EU’s aid architecture and management and their implications for EU’s aid effectiveness
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Entre los donantes de ayuda al desarrollo, el debate sobre por qué y a quien se proporcionan los recursos está ganando cada vez mayor importancia. En primer lugar, es importante concretar que es lo que se quiere lograr con la cooperación y solo entonces se podrán seleccionar los instrumentos mas útiles y eficaces. En el debate sobre la eficacia de la ayuda, la Unión Europea esta adquiriendo un mayor protagonismo. La comisión, como muchos otros donantes, se ha comprometido internacionalmente a incrementar la eficacia. Este documento de trabajo intenta resumir de manera crítica el estado de las reformas realizadas, en relación a su impacto sobre la eficacia de la ayuda.
In aid administrations, the seemingly technical debate about how to give aid has gained momentum. This debate is closely linked to the underlying question of why we give aid and to whom. We must first decide what we want to achieve; only then can we debate what instruments will be best used and finally reach a consensus on what instrument has been applied effectively. In line with the general debate on aid effectiveness, question about the effectiveness of European aid have come to fore. The European Commission, like other donors, has internationally committed itself to more aid effectiveness. This paper will attempt to critically summarise the state of reforms, with regard to how these have been influenced by and have an impact on aid effectiveness.
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